Friday, January 19, 2007

A & P by John Uplike

This story talks about morale view from different perspective. In this story, Mr. Lengel a boss in A & P supermarket and Sammy a cashier. They represented different point of views according to their generations. Each generation established their own rules and values that may be are right for them, but not necessarily be right for others' generation. What is wrong for our parents today may be is right for us? What was right for our parents may not be right for our grandparents? In the way, we judge people has to do with the way in which we were raised and values that we learn along our life. Sammy shocked when his boss lectured the three girls in swimming suit at the store. He thinks that Mr. Lengel was wrong in the way he approach the girls. The boss must talk to the three girls at the moment they come into the store not when they were about to pay the snacks. From Sammy’s point of view, there is nothing wrong to enter the store wearing a swimming suit because it was just in and out. Mr. Lengel position was overreacting because the girls explain to him why they were dressed like that. Even though, he was right about the store policy; he should consider and take the time to hear the explanation. Sammy was mad at his boss’s reaction, but he knows that he cannot surpass his boss authority by contradicting what Mr. Lengel was saying. Sammy’s quit his job as a way of protest. He though that by him quitting will change the course of his life and give his boss a lesson. We have to obeyed rules and policies, but we has to make exception based on the event we are experience. What we want to avoid is made an unfair decision.

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