Friday, January 19, 2007

Go look by Christopher Graybill

Kath and Danny were in the forest; they hear a noise. They do not know what is making that noise they belief that that noise comes from a bear, or some kind of animal. The point of this ten minutes play is beyond the source of the noise. The author wants to let us know about social issues which are female and male roles and stereotypes. For example, males are capable of fighting beast because they are strong while women are fragile according to stereotypes. Kath and Danny are voices in this problematic and they are give us a message that we women and men are the same we both have strengths and weakness. The author used a simple vocabulary and funny tone because he wants to assure that we all get the message. Women are not the only feeling fear men will feel it too. Women are capable of having bad feeling. For example, Kath said something referring to her mother “she said something. I don’t remember what. Not very nasty, not for her. Something about my shoes. It was nothing, really. But for an instant I felt like letting go. Just letting go and watching gravity work. I imagined chair rolling down the slope, over the edge, and bouncing down the back steps. All the way to the garage. And when the police and ambulance would come, I’d be crying and sobbing and explaining. But inside I’d be dancing.” Feeling and thoughts are universal; people can experience them beside their sex.

A & P by John Uplike

This story talks about morale view from different perspective. In this story, Mr. Lengel a boss in A & P supermarket and Sammy a cashier. They represented different point of views according to their generations. Each generation established their own rules and values that may be are right for them, but not necessarily be right for others' generation. What is wrong for our parents today may be is right for us? What was right for our parents may not be right for our grandparents? In the way, we judge people has to do with the way in which we were raised and values that we learn along our life. Sammy shocked when his boss lectured the three girls in swimming suit at the store. He thinks that Mr. Lengel was wrong in the way he approach the girls. The boss must talk to the three girls at the moment they come into the store not when they were about to pay the snacks. From Sammy’s point of view, there is nothing wrong to enter the store wearing a swimming suit because it was just in and out. Mr. Lengel position was overreacting because the girls explain to him why they were dressed like that. Even though, he was right about the store policy; he should consider and take the time to hear the explanation. Sammy was mad at his boss’s reaction, but he knows that he cannot surpass his boss authority by contradicting what Mr. Lengel was saying. Sammy’s quit his job as a way of protest. He though that by him quitting will change the course of his life and give his boss a lesson. We have to obeyed rules and policies, but we has to make exception based on the event we are experience. What we want to avoid is made an unfair decision.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Lying in Hammock at William Duffy’s Farm in Pine Island, Minnesota by James Wright

Lying in Hammock at William Duffy’s Farm in Pine Island, Minnesota by James Wright
In this poem, what I see is a person defines a self in relation to natural world. He is lying in a hammock in a farm; he is comparing nature to his life. He is not satisfied with his accomplishment in life; he could do more than what he has done. He is definitely someone who has wonderful of experience. As he is getting older, he feels lost because the meaning of it live has change. He is evaluating his life from a neutral point where he can observe to opposite side: one represents his past and the other stand for his present and future. He mentioned the horses which are strong animal and active. He said “The droppings of last year’s horses blaze up into golden stones” which means that he active life and full of excitement has left behind as great memories from the past. In the other hand, he referred to cows that follow the same path over and over. This is an image of passive behavior that he takes in his present. He must find interesting projects according with this stage of it life to avoiding negative feeling. Every stage in live comes with special features and he must be used to it. Never past time should be better than the present, even if, it bring good memories. He must value the present and plan new goal to accomplish.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino

Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino

In this reading the author is expressing his point of view in the evolution of human being and society. Evolution is a beautiful process that makes everyday life exciting, but comes along with negative features. What makes evolution a reality is actually human dreams and desires. Nothing of what we have today would be possible without the intention and pursue of our antecessors. Unfortunately, those dreams become ambitions and those ambitions become devils that can be stoped. People forget their beginnings in which their predecessors live in communities and share goods. Now, as society growth people who have reached a high economic standard of live. Most of the times, they refuse to extend a hand to those in worth condition. Within the same city, different social classes have aroused; they built their house separate from each others. They do not want to step in other people shoes; they avoid the reality. Evolution has transformed the way we used to think and act. People who reach the climb of the mountain loss the ability of put their feet in earth. People sometimes cannot see more than what their eyes want it to see. People ambitions has taken their soul.