Monday, February 26, 2007

A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O'Connor

On the other hand, Flannery O’Connor wrote a short story related to the fundaments of the Christian faith. She explain how good and evil are present throughout the human soul. She used two main characters that symbolized the two aspect of the human behavior the good and the bad. She implies that the judge in Christianity contribute to evils, since salvation is possible, punishment is no longer a restraint, but is accepted as a consequences for action. The grandmother represents the old Christian faith. She talks about in moral values and how the world have turned trouble place hard to live. The Misfit played a role of offender confessing his sin to his minister. O’Connor expressed the reality that must people profess his faith during difficult times. The author suggested that the differences between good and evil can only be reached at the end of life in Christianity.

The Tell-Tale Heart

The Tell-Tale Heart is a short story written in first person narrative. The main character of this story is the narrator who suffers from paranoiac hallucinations caused by the guilty from the murdering of an old man. The story begins when the narrator who is taking care of an old man feel irrational fear of the weird clouded eye. He gets so annoyed by the eye of that man that he decided to kill the old man. The narrator was so meticulous about murdering his victim that took eight nights to find the perfect moment to strike. He spent one hour every night just to open the door of the old man’s room. The old man walked up because of the sound of the narrator watches, so he decided to kill the old man in his own mattress. The narrator cut the body in pieces and hidden them under the floorboards. He cleaned the crime scene to cover any evidence while a neighbor who heard noise called the police. The narrator was confident about the fact that the police will not find any evidence until he began to ear the sound of heartbeat. He gets so paranoid because of the constant beating of the heart that he losses control and plead guilty of the crime. He showed the police the body hidden under the floorboards. Edgar Allan Poe is this story play with human mental process, consciousness, remorse feelings and obsessive behavior of the main character the killer. The author is more concerned with what is going on in one people mind.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Homage to my hips by Lucille Clifton

Lucille Clifton in this poem express that her hips are an important part of her body. She is proud of her hips and she uses it as a tool to enchanted men figures. She is so confident to the way her hips are form that she is writing a poem as homage to it. She is describing her hips as if they were not part of her body. She is adopting an observer point of view to describe her hips. She said that her hips need space; they cannot fit in little space. She admires how her hips are structures, so feel really good about it.

Notes from the Delivery Room by Linda Pastan

The author of this poem is describing the effort that she is making to give birth. She implies that the process of giving birth should be like plants. They just have their crops without pain she explaining how painful it is to bring a life to this world. The pain that she feel was so deep that she even aware of where she was giving birth. Giving birth have ambiguous connotation in one hand you are bring to life a creature that was conceive by love. At the same time, the pain so horrible that does not have simile. Women have to make an extraordinary effort of labor to bring a child into this world. On the other hand, women that are medicated at the moment of labor do not experience the same pain level.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Rapture by Galway Kinnell

In this poem, the author is admiring his pattern beauty. He mentioned her sweetness and virginal appearance. He feel a deep love that unable him to describe her. He does not have word to express how beautiful she is. He gives us clues that the poem is about them making love. In his eyes, she is an angel that has coming to earth to save him. He describes every part of her body. When, you read this poem you get the idea that this lady is very sensual and she have turned him crazy with her enhancement. She is really charm that he is totally in love with her.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

The House of Asterion

In this story, Jorge Luis Borges expressed his point of view about the legend of the Cretan Minotaur. He wrote the House of Asterion as a monogue in which Asterion is the main character. Asterion is in Greek mythology the Bull of Minos. When Minos became king, he asked Poseidon for a sign. Poseidon sends him a white bull, but the condition was that when he got the bull; he will kill it as a gift to the Gods. Minos disobey Poseidon’s condition because he though that the bull was so beautiful to be dead. Minos, the king of Crete sacrifices other bull instead. Poseidon out of spite caused that Pasiphae, Minos’ wife fell in love with the bull. They have intimate relationship from that union and Asterion is born half man and half beast. Consequently, Minos constructs a labyrinth in which he can hold the beast. At the end of the story, Borges tells us clues that Asterion is the Cretan Bull who was defeated by Theseus. In the last sentence, “Would you believe it, Ariadne?” said Theseus.” The Minotaur scarcely defended himself.” Theseus was one of the seven men destine to died in the labyrinth of Asterion. On the contrary, Theseus kills the bull of Minos because Ariadne, the daughter of Pasiphae and Minos king of Crete, give him the power of the sword to protect Theseus from the beast. She was in love with him; she actually was Asterion sister.Thesus represent the weapon and the justice that stopped the abuse to the commoners was summit by the king Minos who is the intellectual author of the sacrifices.

Tone of Voice by Charles Harper Webb

The tone of voice that we used when we speak gives a different connotation to the conversation. The attitude implied by the way statements are said. Word choice and syntax can give member understanding of what the speaker is saying. We can used as many tones as our vocal apparatus can express such as criticism, irony, affection, respect, intimidation, affection an so many others. Conversation to be effective most carried a specific tone of voice. According to the message that we are trying to communicate placed an attitude to emphasize what we are saying. To make a clear understanding; we implements method that will enforced the meaning of our conversation. The author is basically supporting the idea that when we speak we used specific tone to make sure that our listeners get the idea of what we want to communicate.

My Last Duchess by Robert Browning

This poem is based on the suspicious death of the young wife of Alfonso II Duke of Ferrara in sixteenth century Italy. The Duke is to talking to his future father in law about the portrait of his ex-wife. He was arranging his future wedding, but at the same time he was warning his future wife by telling her and her family the story of her ex-wife. He is advising her that she must take a good posture according to what he wants her to be. He said that his wife was always smiling to everyone. He was a jealous and sarcastic. For that reason, he does not want her to smile at everyone. He interprets her smile as flirting. Duke might kill his wife because there is not other explanation to that premature death. The author of this poem implies that the Duke of Ferrara might be involved in his ex-wife death.